
(ECCV 2014) Visualizing and understanding convolutional networks

Zeiler M D, Fergus R. Visualizing and understanding convolutional networks[C]//European conference on computer vision. Springer, Cham, 2014: 818-833

1. Overview

1.1. Factors of DL

  • big data
  • GPU
  • model regularization strategy (dropout, …)
    In this paper, it proposed a visualization technique to explore the network
  • unpooling
  • the horizontal and vertical of Conv kernel

1.2. Dataset

  • ImageNet 2012

1.3. Visualization Method

Unpooling→Rectification→Filtering (horizontal and vertical corresponding Conv kernels)

1.4. Network

Change based on AlexNet.

1.5. Feature Visualization

  • Layer2. corners, edge/color conjunctions
  • Layer3. texture (more complex invariances)
  • Layer4. significant variation (more class-specific)
  • Layer5. entire obj with pose variation

1.6. Feature Evolution during Training

  • lower layers. converge within a few epochs
  • upper layers. converge after a considerable epoch

1.7. Feature Invariance

  • small transformation dramatic effect in the first layer, less impact at the top layer
  • not invariant to rotation, except for the obj with rotational symmetry

1.8. Architecture Selection

  • (b). mix of extremely high and low frequency information, with little converage of the mid frequency, and some dead features
    reduce 11x11 kernel size to 7x7
  • (d). aliasing artifacts caused by large stride 4
    change stride 4 to stride 2

1.9. Occlusion Sensitivity

1.10. w/o Pre-trained